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Yobe State Postal Codes Search

Are you searching for Yobe State Postal Codes or any postal code under Yobe state? you have come to the right place. All Yobe postal codes are here from Damaturu postal code to Potiskum Postal code.

List of all Yobe postcodes under Yobe State

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Yobe State Postal Codes Search

wdt_ID Location State City/lLGA Area/District Type Postcode
1 1&3 Bed Room Yobe Damaturu Maisandari Urban 620222
2 100 Housing Units Yobe Damaturu Federal Low Cost Urban 620253
3 Abachari Yobe Geidam Geidam Rural 632101
4 Abakire Yobe Fune Fune Rural 622105
5 Abasha Yobe Damaturu Lamisula Urban 620252
6 Abba Kura St. Yobe Nguru D.H. Palace Urban 630211
7 Abba St. Yobe Nguru D.H. Palace Urban 630211
8 Abdul Salami Abubakar Rd. Yobe Damaturu Maximum Security Prison Urban 620212
9 Abdul Salami Abubakar Rd. Yobe Damaturu Federal Low Cost Urban 620253
10 Abdul Salami Abubakar Rd. Yobe Damaturu Lamisula Urban 620252
11 Adia Yobe Bade Bade Rural 631101
12 Adturu Yobe Machina Machina Rural 630102
13 Aduwa Rd. Yobe Nguru State Low Cost Housing Village Urban 630261
14 Agric. Qtr. Yobe Damaturu Legislative Quarters Urban 620233
15 Ahmadu Bello Way. Yobe Damaturu Ibrahim Abacha Estate Urban 620242
16 Ahmadu Bello Way. Yobe Damaturu Bindigari Urban 620251
17 Ahmadu Bello Way. Yobe Damaturu Specialist Hospital Urban 620241
18 Ahmadu Bellow Way. Yobe Nguru State Low Cost Housing Village Urban 630261
19 Aigada Yobe Fune Fune Rural 622105
20 Aihaji Hamzo St. Yobe Nguru Abuja Garage Urban 630271
21 Alagarno Yobe Fune Fune Rural 622105
22 Alagarno Yobe Bade Bade Rural 631101
23 Alagiri Yobe Yusufari Yusufari Rural 631103
24 Alanjirori Yobe Yusufari Yusufari Rural 631103
25 Alaraba Yobe Potiskum Potiskum Rural 622101
Location State City/lLGA Area/District Type Postcode

A brief discussion of Yobe

Yobe State Postal Codes Search

Yobe is a state located in northeastern Nigeria. It was created on August 27, 1991 and was formed by splitting off from Borno State. The capital of Yobe is Damaturu, and its largest city is Potiskum. The state borders Bauchi, Borno, Gombe, and Jigawa, as well as the Diffa and Zinder Regions of Niger.

Yobe is primarily an agricultural state and has a hot, dry climate, with the exception of the southern part of the state which receives more annual rainfall. The creation of Yobe State was driven by both the need to make administration and development more feasible in a state that was large in terms of land area and by ethnic tensions within the former Borno State.

What is Yobe State Postal Code(Yobe state postcode)?

Yobe State Postal Codes Search

In Yobe State, Nigeria, the postal code ranges from 620001 to 632102. The code number 620001 is specifically for the NIPOST Headquarters in this state. Yobe State is located within the North East Geopolitical Zone of Nigeria.