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Delta State Postal Codes Search

Are you searching for Delta State Postal Codes, Delta zip codes or any postal code under Delta state? you have come to the right place. All Delta postal codes are here from Warri postal code to Asaba Postal code.

List of all Delta postcodes under Delta State

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Delta State Postal Codes Search

wdt_ID postcode Location Area City/LGA Type State
1 332213 1st Odibo Ave. Warri Airport Warri Urban Delta
2 332213 2nd Odibo Ave. Warri Airport Warri Urban Delta
3 320109 Aba Unor Nsukwa Aniocha South Rural Delta
4 333117 Abadiama Ughiev-wen Ughelli South Rural Delta
5 332110 Abadiama Operemor Burutu Rural Delta
6 332108 Abadima Obatebe Burutu Rural Delta
7 320213 Abagana St. Cablepoint Asaba Urban Delta
8 330101 Abagbrassa Okpe Okpe Rural Delta
9 320109 Abah-Unor Nsukwa Oshimili North Rural Delta
10 332213 Abala St. Warri Airport Warri Urban Delta
11 322116 Abalagada Aboh Ndokwa East Rural Delta
12 322123 Abalam Ushie Ndokwa East Rural Delta
13 334106 Abale Camp Uzere Isoko South Rural Delta
14 321102 Abamise Abavor Ika South Rural Delta
15 322136 Abara-Obodo Abara-Uno Ndokwa East Rural Delta
16 322119 Abare Onogbokor Ndokwa East Rural Delta
17 333104 Abari Kabowei Patani Rural Delta
18 322136 Abarra-Osshimili Abara-Uno Ndokwa East Rural Delta
19 322136 Abarra-Uno Abara-Uno Ndokwa East Rural Delta
20 321102 Abavor Abavor Ika South Rural Delta
21 322104 Abbi Abbi Ndokwa West Rural Delta
22 331103 Abegborode Koko Warri North Rural Delta
23 334103 Aberuo Avoara Isoko South Rural Delta
24 322119 Abo Onogbokor Ndokwa East Rural Delta
25 320107 Abo-Ogwashi Ogwashi-Uku Aniocha South Rural Delta
postcode Location Area City/LGA Type State

A brief discussion about Delta State:

Delta State Postal Codes Search

Delta State is located in the southeastern region of Nigeria and was formed from the former Bendel State in 1991. It borders Edo State to the north, Anambra and Rivers States to the east, Bayelsa State to the south, and the Bight of Benin to the west. The state has a total of 25 local government areas and its capital is Asaba. Warri and Uvwie are the main economic centers of the state.

Delta State is the 23rd largest state in terms of area and the 12th most populous, with an estimated population of over 5.6 million as of 2016. The state is divided between the Central African mangroves in the southwest and the Nigerian lowland forests in most of the rest of the state. The River Niger and its distributary, the Forçados River, flow along the eastern and southern borders of the state, while the Escravos River runs through Warri and the coastal areas.

Delta State is home to various threatened species, including the dwarf crocodile, grey parrot, African fish eagle, mona monkey, and African manatee. Offshore, there are populations of lesser African threadfin, crabs, and blue mussel, as well as various cetacean species.

The state is made up of seven distinct ethnic groups, including the Urhobos, Ukwuani, Ika, Aniocha-Oshimili, Isokos, Ijaws, and Itsekiris. Prior to colonization, the area was divided into monarchical states such as the Kingdom of Warri and the Agbor Kingdom. The British gained control of the area in the late 1800s and it became part of British Nigeria.

During the Biafra conflict in the 1960s, the area was briefly declared the Republic of Benin by Biafran forces. After the war, the area was part of the Mid-Western Region until 1976 when it was renamed Bendel State. In 1991, Bendel State was split and the southern part became Delta State.

What is Delta State Postal Code(Delta state postcode)?

Delta State Postal Codes Search

In Delta State, Nigeria, the postal codes range from 320001 to 334196. The capital city, Asaba, is home to the headquarters of NIPOST, which has the postal code 320001. Delta state is Located within the South-South Geopolitical Zone of Nigeria. The Delta state NIPOST General office can be found on Okere Road in Warri. The phone number for the office is 053-256663.