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Ondo State Postal Codes Search

Are you searching for Ondo State Postal Codes, Ondo zip codes or any postal code under Ondo state? you have come to the right place. All Ondo postal codes are here from Akure postal code to Owo Postal code.

List of all Ondo postcodes under Ondo State

To quickly see the postcode of any area you need, type the name in the search box and it will appear immediately. Scroll down below the search function and you will see the postcode of the area you just entered in the search box.

wdt_ID Postcode Location Area City/LGA Type State
1 340110 Aaye Ipogun Ifedore Rural Ondo
2 350107 Aba Alafia Oniparaga Odigbo Rural Ondo
3 342232 Aba Dara St. Okegbe Ikare Akoko Urban Ondo
4 350101 Aba Eire Lucas Ore (Rural) Odigbo Rural Ondo
5 350101 Aba Fasu Ore (Rural) Odigbo Rural Ondo
6 350107 Aba Ilaje Oniparaga Odigbo Rural Ondo
7 350101 Aba James Ore (Rural) Odigbo Rural Ondo
8 350107 Aba Jimoh Oniparaga Odigbo Rural Ondo
9 351108 Aba Kolajo Okeigbo Ile-Oluji/ Okeigbo Rural Ondo
10 351111 Aba Michael Tenidire Ile-Oluji/ Okeigbo Rural Ondo
11 351108 Aba Ojoja Aba Panu Okeigbo Ile-Oluji/ Okeigbo Rural Ondo
12 350107 Aba Raphael Oniparaga Odigbo Rural Ondo
13 350107 Aba Roder Oniparaga Odigbo Rural Ondo
14 350107 Aba Wole Oniparaga Odigbo Rural Ondo
15 351109 Aba-Gureje Bamkemo Ile-Oluji/ Okeigbo Rural Ondo
16 351103 Aba-Ikirun Owena Obadore Ondo west /East Rural Ondo
17 351111 Aba-John Tenidire Ile-Oluji/ Okeigbo Rural Ondo
18 351109 Aba-John Bamkemo Ile-Oluji/ Okeigbo Rural Ondo
19 350101 Aba-Ojoja Ore (Rural) Odigbo Rural Ondo
20 350106 Aba-Panu Araromi-Obu Odigbo Rural Ondo
21 350101 Aba-Panu Ore (Rural) Odigbo Rural Ondo
22 340108 Abababubu Odoe Idanre Idare Rural Ondo
23 352110 Abadi Pekagha Igbekebo Ese Odo Rural Ondo
24 350101 Abagun Ore (Rural) Odigbo Rural Ondo
25 340108 Abalaka Odoe Idanre Idare Rural Ondo
Postcode Location Area City/LGA Type State

A brief discussion about Ondo state:

Ondo State Postal Codes Search

Ondo State is located in southwestern Nigeria and was established on February 3, 1976 from the former Western State. It shares borders with Ekiti State to the north, Kogi State to the northeast, Edo State to the east, Delta State to the southeast, Ogun State to the southwest, Osun State to the northwest, and the Atlantic Ocean to the south. The capital of the state is Akure, which was once the capital of the Akure Kingdom. Ondo State is known for its mangrove swamps in the Bights of Benin region and is nicknamed the “Sunshine State.”

It is the 19th most populous state in Nigeria and the 25th largest by land area. The predominant language spoken in the state is Yoruba and the economy is largely driven by the petroleum industry, as well as cocoa production, asphalt mining, and activities related to the state’s coastal region. The state is also home to the Idanre inselberg hills, which feature the highest point in the western half of Nigeria at an elevation of over 1,000 meters.

What is Ondo State Postal Code(Ondo state postcode)?

Ondo State Postal Codes Search

The postal code for Ondo State, Nigeria is 340001 to 352120. The code number 340001 is specifically for the NIPOST headquarters located in this state. Ondo State is situated within the South West geopolitical zone of Nigeria.