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Sokoto State Postal Codes Search

Are you searching for Sokoto State Postal Codes or any postal code under Sokoto state? you have come to the right place. All Sokoto postal codes are here from Gwadabawa postal code to Salame Postal code.

List of all Sokoto postcodes under Sokoto State

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Sokoto State Postal Codes Search

wdt_ID Location State City/LGA Area/District Type Postcode
1 3rd Avenue Sokoto Sokoto Gidan Igwai Urban 840245
2 A Close Sokoto Sokoto Gidan Igwai Urban 840245
3 Abarura Sokoto Illela Illela Rural 843101
4 Abbdullahi Kure Rd Sokoto Sokoto Ali Akilu Urban 840212
5 Abdullahi Fodio Rd Sokoto Sokoto Hajiya Halima Urban 840231
6 Abdullahi Kure Rd Sokoto Sokoto Rijiyan Dorawa Urban 840241
7 Abdulrahaman Sudaisi Rd Sokoto Sokoto Yauri Flat Area Urban 840222
8 Abeokuta St Sokoto Sokoto Ali Akilu Urban 840212
9 Abubakar Tunau Cl. Sokoto Sokoto Mabera Gida Gwadabe Urban 840213
10 Abuja Rd Sokoto Sokoto Government House Urban 840221
11 Achida Sokoto Wurno Achida Rural 842102
12 Achida Rd Sokoto Sokoto Gawo Nama Urban 840232
13 Adakela Sokoto Wurno Wurno Rural 842101
14 Adar Kwanni Sokoto Sokoto Sokoto Rural 840101
15 Adarawa Sokoto Shuni Shuni Rural 852107
16 Adukadir Rd Sokoto Sokoto Low Cost Gwiwa Urban 840223
17 Agate Rd Sokoto Sokoto Government House Urban 840221
18 Agatie Rd Sokoto Sokoto Yauri Flat Area Urban 840222
19 Aggur Sokoto Shagari Shagari Rural 851103
20 Ahamadu Bello Way Sokoto Sokoto Rijiyan Dorawa Urban 840241
21 Ahmadu Rufai Rd Sokoto Sokoto Magajin Gari Urban 840253
22 Aihassan Ave. Sokoto Sokoto Ali Akilu Urban 840212
23 Akalawa Rd Sokoto Sokoto Unguwan Rogo Urban 840261
24 Alasan Sokoto Tambuwal Tambuwal Rural 850101
25 Aleiro Rd Sokoto Sokoto Gidan Igwai Urban 840245
Location State City/LGA Area/District Type Postcode

A brief discussion of Sokoto State

Sokoto State Postal Codes Search

Sokoto is a state in northwestern Nigeria, located on the border with the Republic of Niger to the north. It shares borders with the states of Kebbi and Zamfara. The region has a mix of short-grass savanna and thorn scrub vegetation, and is characterized by arid conditions and limited rainfall. It is subject to the harmattan, a dry and dust-laden wind, from November to March. The Sokoto River and its tributaries drain the area, with the Sokoto being a tributary of the Niger River.

Before 1804, the region was ruled by the Hausa states of Gobir, Zamfara, Kebbi, and Yauri. However, after the Fulani people’s successful jihad in 1808, their leader, Sheikh Usman dan Fodio, divided the territory into two spheres of influence. In 1809, he made his son, Muhammad Bello, the emir of Sokoto and overlord of the eastern emirates. Upon Usman’s death in 1817, Muhammad became the first sultan of Sokoto and the spiritual and political leader of the Fulani empire.

During Muhammad’s reign, Sokoto successfully quelled uprisings by the Hausa people. In 1853, Sokoto signed a treaty of commerce with Great Britain, and additional trade privileges were granted in a treaty in 1885. However, British colonial expansion was opposed. In 1903, the British defeated Sokoto’s forces and incorporated almost all of the emirate into the Protectorate of Northern Nigeria.

Agriculture is the main industry in Sokoto, with the floodplains producing crops such as peanuts, cotton, and rice. The upland areas are used for growing sorghum, millet, cowpeas, and cassava. The Bakolori Dam on the Sokoto River provides year-round irrigation, but the soil has become infertile due to irrigation and there is less water available downstream from the dam.

The state also has a significant leather industry, exporting cattle hides, goatskins, sheepskins, and finished leather products. There are also deposits of limestone and kaolin that are mined. Sokoto town which is the state capital, has tanneries, a modern abattoir, a cement factory, and a refrigeration plant. The city of Gusau has a modern textile industry, a seed-oil mill, and a soybean-processing plant.

The population of Sokoto is predominantly Fulani and Hausa, and the majority of the population is Muslim. The state is home to the Usmanu Danfodio University, and Sokoto town has several major roads and an airport. The Kwiambana Game Reserve in the southeast is a popular tourist destination.

What is Sokoto State Postal Code(Sokoto state postcode)?

Sokoto State Postal Codes Search
Sokoto State Postal Codes Search

The postal codes for Sokoto State in Nigeria range from 840001 to 883101, with 840001 being the Post code for the NIPOST headquarters in Sokoto state. This state is located within the North West Geopolitical Zone of the country.