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Ekiti State Postal Codes Search

Are you searching for Ekiti State Postal Codes, Ekiti zip codes or any postal code under Ekiti state? you have come to the right place. All Ekiti postal codes are here from Ado Ekiti postal code to Ijero Postal code.

List of all Ekiti postcodes under Ekiti State

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wdt_ID Postcode Location Area/District City/LGA Type State
1 361251 & ind. Okeosun Ikere Ekiti Urban Ekiti
2 361264 & Staff Quarters Anaye Ikere Ekiti Urban Ekiti
3 360104 (Ogotun) Ogotun Ilawe Rural Ekiti
4 360104 (Osogbo) Ogotun Ilawe Rural Ekiti
5 360211 1st Avenue Ave. Stadium Ado Ekiti Urban Ekiti
6 360211 2nd A venue Ave. Stadium Ado Ekiti Urban Ekiti
7 360231 2nd Ave. Federal Polytechnic Ado Ekiti Urban Ekiti
8 360231 3rd Ave. Federal Polytechnic Ado Ekiti Urban Ekiti
9 360211 3rd Avenue Ave. Stadium Ado Ekiti Urban Ekiti
10 360231 4th Ave. Federal Polytechnic Ado Ekiti Urban Ekiti
11 360211 5th Avenue Ave. Stadium Ado Ekiti Urban Ekiti
12 360211 6th Avenue Ave. Stadium Ado Ekiti Urban Ekiti
13 371102 Aaye Ekiti ORIN-EKITI Ido Rural Ekiti
14 360104 Aba Adedeji Village Ogotun Ilawe Rural Ekiti
15 361103 Aba Adeja Ise/Orun Ise Rural Ekiti
16 361104 Aba Adewale Emure Emure Rural Ekiti
17 361104 Aba Adeyemo Emure Emure Rural Ekiti
18 361103 Aba Ado Ise/Orun Ise Rural Ekiti
19 361104 Aba Ajiboye Emure Emure Rural Ekiti
20 361104 Aba Ajireni Emure Emure Rural Ekiti
21 361102 Aba Akyejo Agama Ikere Rural Ekiti
22 370101 Aba Alagbado Ikole Ikole Rural Ekiti
23 370101 Aba Alakelu Ikole Ikole Rural Ekiti
24 370101 Aba Alawe Ikole Ikole Rural Ekiti
25 370101 Aba Alayan Ikole Ikole Rural Ekiti
Postcode Location Area/District City/LGA Type State

A brief discussion about Ekiti state:

Ekiti State Postal Codes Search

Ekiti State is a state located in southwestern Nigeria. It is bordered by Kwara State to the north, Kogi State to the northeast, Ondo State to the south and southeast, and Osun State to the west. The state was named after the Ekiti people, a Yoruba subgroup who make up the majority of the state’s population, and was formed from a part of Ondo State in 1996.

The capital city is Ado-Ekiti. Ekiti State is one of the smallest states in Nigeria, both in terms of area and population, with an estimated population of nearly 3.3 million as of 2016. The state is divided between lowland forests and the drier Guinean forest-savanna mosaic in the north. Ekiti State is home to a variety of flora and fauna, including false acraeas, mona monkeys, forest buffalo, and grey parrots, as well as one of the last remaining Nigeria-Cameroon chimpanzee populations. In 2022, the state adopted Obeche (Triplochiton scleroxylon) as its official state tree.

The majority of the state’s population, about 85%, are Christian, with smaller Muslim and traditionalist minorities making up about 10% and 5% of the population, respectively. The Ekiti people have lived in the area for centuries, and the state has a history of being ruled by the Oyo Empire, Benin Empire, and the Ekiti Confederacy. The state was colonized by the British and became part of British Nigeria in 1914.

After Nigeria’s independence in 1960, the area that is now Ekiti State was part of the Western Region, and was later split off to become part of Western State and then Ondo State. In 1996, the northwest region of Ondo State was separated to form Ekiti State. The state’s economy is largely based on agriculture, with key crops including yams, rice, cocoa, and cassava. Logging and tourism are also important minor industries. Ekiti State has a high Human Development Index and is considered a cultural center for the Ekiti people.

What is Ekiti State Postal Code(Ekiti state postcode)?

Ekiti State Postal Codes Search
Ekiti State Postal Codes Search

The postal codes for Ekiti State, Nigeria range from 360001 to 372109. The code 360001 is specifically assigned to the NIPOST (Nigeria Postal Service) headquarters in the state. Ekiti State is located within the South West Geopolitical Zone of Nigeria.