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Anambra State Postal Codes Search

Anambra State Postal Codes Search

Are you searching for Anambra State Postal Codes, Anambra zip codes or any postal code under Anambra state? you have come to the right place. All Anambra postal codes are here from Onitsha postal code to Awka Postal code.

List of all Anambra postcodes under Anambra State

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Anambra State Postal Codes Search

wdt_ID Postcode Location Area/District City/LGA Type State
1 432108 Aba Nsugbe Anambra East Rural Anambra
2 422007 Abagana Njikoka Facility Anambra
3 434232 Abake St. Amafor Onitsha Urban Anambra
4 430235 Abakoba St. Omagba Lyt Phase I & II Onitsha Urban Anambra
5 434221 Abakwam St. Odume Layout II Onitsha Urban Anambra
6 432108 Abalagbo Nsugbe Anambra East Rural Anambra
7 422111 Abaogwuoma Ekwulobia Aguata Rural Anambra
8 434001 Abatete Idemili North Facility Anambra
9 434234 Abatete Rd. Ogidi Onitsha Urban Anambra
10 421102 Abba Nimo Njikoka Rural Anambra
11 432112 Abegbu Ifite Anam Anambra West Rural Anambra
12 434103 Abidi Umuoji Idemili North Rural Anambra
13 434212 Abiding Faith Assembly Nkpor New Mkt. Onitsha Urban Anambra
14 421108 Abidudu Ifite-Ukpo Dunukofia Rural Anambra
15 431105 Abilibaose Amiyi Ogbaru Rural Anambra
16 431101 Abilibose Atani Ogbaru Rural Anambra
17 434112 Abime Oba Idemili South Rural Anambra
18 434115 Abo Nnokwa Idemili South Rural Anambra
19 434112 Aboji Oba Idemili South Rural Anambra
20 423108 Abombe Enugu-Umuonyia Orumba South Rural Anambra
21 423122 Abomgbego Ndiowu Orumba North Rural Anambra
22 423128 Abor Awgbu Orumba North Rural Anambra
23 434103 Abor Umuoji Idemili North Rural Anambra
24 421104 Achala Enugwu-Agidi Njikoka Rural Anambra
25 420005 Achalla Awka North Facility Anambra
Postcode Location Area/District City/LGA Type State

A brief discussion on Anambra State:

Anambra State Postal Codes Search

Anambra is a state in southeastern Nigeria that was established on 27 August 1991. It is bordered by Delta State to the west, Imo State to the south, Enugu State to the east, and Kogi State to the north. According to the 2022 census, the state has a population of over 9 million people. The capital of Anambra is Awka, a rapidly growing city that saw its population increase from approximately 700,000 to more than 6 million between 2006 and 2020.

The city of Onitsha, a pre-colonial era port city, is also an important commercial center in the state. Anambra is known as the “Light of the Nation” and is the eighth most populous state in Nigeria, although there are debates about this due to Onitsha’s population being estimated at over 8.5 million in 2020 by Africapolis, making it the second largest urban area in Nigeria and third largest in Africa. In 2019, Demographia listed Onitsha as the 47th largest built-up urban area in the world with a population of over 8 million.

Despite being the second smallest in terms of area, Anambra is a heavily urbanized and populous state. The area now known as Anambra has a long history dating back to at least the 9th century, including the ancient Kingdom of Nri. The majority of Anambra’s residents are Igbo, with the Igbo language serving as a common language in the state.

During the Nigerian Civil War, Anambra was part of the Republic of Biafra, a secessionist state formed by Igbo nationalists. The state suffered from a severe famine during the war, leading to a high death toll. Today, Anambra has made significant progress in reducing poverty.

Its history can be traced back to the 9th century and includes the production of works of art in iron, bronze, copper, and pottery. These works reveal a complex system of divine kingship that ruled the area from around 948 AD to 1911.

What is Anambra State Postal Code(Anambra state postcode)?

Anambra State Postal Codes Search

The postal codes for Anambra State, Nigeria range from 420001 to 435115, with 420001 being the code for the NIPOST headquarters in this state. Anambra State is located within the South East geopolitical zone of Nigeria.