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Borno State Postal Codes Search

Are you searching for Borno State Postal Codes or any postal code under Borno state? you have come to the right place. All Borno postal codes are here from Maiduguri postal code to Bama Postal code.

List of all Borno postcodes under Borno State

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Borno State Postal Codes Search

wdt_ID Location State City/LGA Area/District Type postcode
1 (Temporary) Borno Maiduguri College of agric. Urban 600223
2 Abadam Borno Mobbar Mobbar Rural 602101
3 Abadam Borno Abadam Abadam Rural 602103
4 Abagoderi Borno Magumeri Magumeri Rural 602104
5 Abattoir Rd Borno Biu Mbula Mel. Urban 603221
6 Abba Habib St. Borno Maiduguri Gwange Urban 600235
7 Abbaram Borno Bama Soye Rural 610108
8 Abdulsalam Rd. Borno Bama Tandari Urban 610212
9 Aboorno State Borno Bama Kidari Urban 610223
10 Abort Clinic & Lab Borno Biu Mbula Mel. Urban 603221
11 Abulam Borno Damboa Damboa Rural 601101
12 Aburaku Borno Monguno Monguno Rural 612101
13 Adachi Rd. Borno Maiduguri Coca Cola Factory Urban 600273
14 Adamawa Rd. Borno Maiduguri Bolori Urban 600281
15 Adamawa Road Rd. Borno Maiduguri Government House Urban 600231
16 Adamkolo Street St. Borno Maiduguri Bulabulin Urban 600221
17 Adari Borno Ngala Ngala Rural 611102
18 Addamari Borno Jere Jere Rural 600104
19 Adika Borno Damboa Damboa Rural 601101
20 Ado Circular Borno Maiduguri Stadium Urban 600271
21 Adua Borno Kukawa Kanembu Rural 612102
22 Adua Borno Guzamala Guzamala Rural 612104
23 Adult Education Office Borno Biu Zarawuyaku Urban 603231
24 Afe Borno Kaga Kaga Rural 601105
25 Afuye Borno Dikwa Gumsu Rural 611106
Location State City/LGA Area/District Type postcode

A brief discussion of Borno State:

Borno State Postal Codes Search
Borno Zip code

Borno State is located within the North-East geopolitical zone of Nigeria, with its borders touching those of Yobe to the west, Gombe to the southwest, and Adamawa to the south. It also shares international borders with Cameroon, Niger, and Chad. Borno is the second largest of the 36 states in Nigeria in terms of area and is the eleventh most populous with an estimated population of about 5.86 million as of 2016.

The state is divided between the semi-desert Sahelian savanna in the north and the West Sudanian savanna in the center and south, with a portion of the montane Mandara Plateau in the southeast. The northeastern region of the state includes the Nigerian portion of Lake Chad and the Lake Chad flooded savanna ecoregion.

The Chad Basin National Park is located in the center of the state and is home to various species of animals including black crowned cranes, spotted hyenas, patas monkeys, and roan antelopes, as well as migratory herds of African bush elephants.

Borno State has been inhabited by various ethnic groups including the Dghwede, Glavda, Guduf, Laamang, Mafa, Mandara, Afade, Yedina, Kanembu, Waja, Kyibaku, Kamwe, Kilba, Margi, Kanuri, and Shuwa Arabs. The majority of the state’s population (~85%) are Muslim with smaller Christian and traditionalist minorities at around 7% each.

The state’s history dates back to the 700s when it was part of the Kanem Empire. It later became the Bornu Empire and maintained its power for 500 years. In the 1800s, the Fulani jihad weakened the Empire and much of the southern part of Borno State was incorporated into the Adamawa Emirate. The Borno Emirate and the Adamawa Emirate were later divided among colonial powers, with Borno State being split between Germany and the British Empire.

After Nigeria gained independence in 1960, the state was a part of the North-Eastern State until it was split in 1976. In 1991, Yobe State was created from the western part of Borno State. The economy of Borno State is based on agriculture, with crops including cotton, groundnuts, millet, tomatoes, and yams. Other industries include food processing and canning facilities, tin and columbite mining, and tourism in the Chad Basin National Park and the Lake Chad region.

What is Borno State Postal Code(Borno state postcode)?

Borno State Postal Codes Search
Borno State Postal Codes Search

Borno State is located within the North East geopolitical zone of Nigeria and has a postal code range of 600001 to 612104. The Borno zip code number 600001 is assigned to the NIPOST Headquarters in the state.