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Taraba State Postal Codes Search

Are you searching for Taraba State Postal Codes or any postal code under Taraba state? you have come to the right place. All Taraba postal codes are here from Jalingo postal code to Donga Postal code.

List of all Taraba postcodes under Taraba State

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Taraba State Postal Codes Search

wdt_ID Location State City/LGA Area/District Type Postcode
1 Abako Taraba Wukari Rafin Kada Rural 670103
2 Abattoir Taraba Jalingo House of Assembly Urban 660212
3 Abba Taraba Gassol Mutum Biyu Rural 672103
4 Abbare Taraba Lau Abbare Rural 662104
5 Abbare Taraba Jalingo Jalingo (Rural) Rural 660101
6 Aben-Kaho Taraba Wukari Gidan Idi Rural 670106
7 Abin Taraba Takum Takum Rural 671101
8 Abong Taraba Kurmi Kurmi Rural 671104
9 Abuja Taraba Takum Takum Rural 671101
10 Abuja Mech. Village Taraba Jalingo Abuja / Mayo Dasa/ Urban 660262
11 Abuja Ward Taraba Jalingo Jalingo (Rural) Rural 660101
12 Acha Taraba Ussa Ussa Rural 671103
13 Adagoro Taraba Gashaka Gashaka Rural 663101
14 Adekpa Taraba Takum Takum Rural 671101
15 Afolahan Square Taraba Jalingo Yelwa A Urban 660215
16 Aganko Taraba Takum Takum Rural 671101
17 Agbadu Taraba Wukari Rafin Kada Rural 670103
18 Agbarike Taraba Wukari Chonku Rural 670104
19 Agip Filling Station Taraba Jalingo Abuja / Mayo Dasa/ Urban 660262
20 Agungu Taraba Gassol Mutum Biyu Rural 672103
21 Ahmadu Bello Way Taraba Jalingo Yelwa A Urban 660215
22 Ahmadu Bello Way Way. Taraba Jalingo Yelwa B Urban 660214
23 Ahmadu Bello Way. Taraba Jalingo House of Assembly Urban 660212
24 Ahmadu Bello Way. Taraba Jalingo Presidential Lodge Urban 660213
25 Ahmadu Bello Way/Palace Way Taraba Jalingo Unguwan Gadi Urban 660261
Location State City/LGA Area/District Type Postcode

A brief discussion of Taraba state

Taraba State Postal Codes Search
Taraba State Postal Codes Search

Taraba is a state located in North Eastern Nigeria, named after the Taraba River which flows through the southern part of the state. The capital of Taraba is Jalingo. The state is home to many different tribes, including Mumuye, Fulani, Jenjo, Karimjo, Wurkun, Kona, Jukun, Chamba, Tiv, Kuteb, Ichen, Mambila, and Jibawa.

There are over 77 languages spoken in Taraba. The state was created on August 27, 1991 by the military government of General Ibrahim Babangida, and is bordered by Nasarawa and Benue to the west, Plateau to the northwest, Bauchi and Gombe to the north, Adamawa to the northeast, and Northwest Region in Cameroon to the south.

The main rivers in Taraba include the Benue, Donga, Taraba, and Ibi, which flow from the Cameroonian mountains and traverse the state from north to south before joining the River Niger.

What is Taraba State Postal Code(Taraba state postcode)?

Taraba State Postal Codes Search

Taraba State in Nigeria has a postal code range of 660001 to 672104, with 660001 being the code for the NIPOST Headquarters. The state is located within the North East Geopolitical Zone of Nigeria.