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Gombe State Postal Codes Search

Are you searching for Gombe State Postal Codes or any postal code under Gombe state? you have come to the right place. All Gombe postal codes are here from Bajoga postal code to Dukku Postal code.

List of all Gombe postcodes under Gombe State

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Gombe State Postal Codes Search

wdt_ID Location State City/LGA Area/District Type Postcode
1 1st Bank Gombe Gombe Bolori Urban 760222
2 A.A Haruna Rd. Gombe Gombe Kumbiya Kumbiya Urban 760231
3 Abuja Quarters Gombe Gombe Bolori Urban 760222
4 Abuku Gombe Funakaye Bajoga Rural 762101
5 Accountant General Office Gombe Gombe Jeka Da Fari Urban 760251
6 Adarawa Gombe Balanga Wala-waja Rural 761122
7 Agfa Photo Gombe Gombe Emeneke Bus Stop Urban 760232
8 Ahamadu Arabic St. Gombe Gombe G. R. A Urban 760252
9 Ahmadu Bello Way Gombe Gombe G. R. A Urban 760252
10 Aji Motors Gombe Gombe Bolori Urban 760222
11 Ajira St. Gombe Gombe Tudun Wada Urban 760214
12 Akbalam Gombe Kaltungo Ture Rural 770110
13 Akko Gombe Akko Gona Rural 771104
14 Alagarno Gombe Kwami Malam sidi Rural 760103
15 Alh. Baba Rd. Gombe Gombe Jeka Da Fari Urban 760251
16 Alhaji Musili Gombe Gombe Emeneke Bus Stop Urban 760232
17 Alheri Bread Rd. Gombe Gombe Police C.I.D Urban 760233
18 Am-Dur Gombe Kaltungo Kaltungo East Rural 770109
19 Amden Gombe Kaltungo Ture Rural 770110
20 Amkolom Gombe Shongom Shongom Rural 770102
21 Amtai Gombe Kaltungo Kaltungo East Rural 770109
22 Anguwan Alfinti Gombe Kaltungo Tungo Rural 770112
23 Anguwar Jauro Sule Gombe Shongom Gundale Rural 770105
24 Angwar Sarki Gombe Kwami Facility 760004
25 Aoldo Bayo Gombe Kaltungo Kamo Rural 770111
Location State City/LGA Area/District Type Postcode

A brief discussion of Gombe state

Gombe State Postal Codes Search

Gombe State is located in northeastern Nigeria and is bordered by Borno, Yobe, Taraba, Adamawa, and Bauchi states. The state was created in 1996 from part of Bauchi State and has an estimated population of 3.25 million. The capital and largest city is Gombe.

The state is home to a variety of ethnic groups, including the Fulani, Bolewa, Kanuri, and Hausa, as well as the Cham, Dadiya, Jara, Kamo, Pero, Tangale, Tera, and Waja. Gombe State is within the tropical West Sudanian savanna ecoregion and features the Gongola River, which flows into Lake Dadin Kowa, and the Muri Mountains. The state is home to various snake species, hippopotamus, Senegal parrots, and grey-headed kingfishers.

The pre-colonial history of Gombe State includes being part of various states until the early 1800s when the Fulani jihad took control and formed the Gombe Emirate under the Sokoto Caliphate. The area was later occupied by the British and became part of British Nigeria before gaining independence as Nigeria in 1960. Originally part of the Northern Region, Gombe State was later part of the North-Eastern State before becoming a part of Bauchi State in 1976.

In 1996, a group of local government areas in Bauchi’s west were separated to form Gombe State. The state’s economy is largely based on agriculture, including crops such as sorghum, maize, groundnuts, millet, beans, rice, and tomatoes. Other industries in Gombe include services and livestock herding.

Gombe has the fourth lowest Human Development Index and second lowest GDP in Nigeria. The state’s slogan is “The Jewel In The Savannah.”

What is Gombe State Postal Code(Gombe state postcode)?

Gombe State Postal Codes Search
Gombe State Postal Codes Search

The postal code for Gombe State in Nigeria is between 760001 and 771104. The state is located within the North East Geopolitical Zone of the country. The code 760001 is specifically for the NIPOST Headquarters.