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Ebonyi State Postal Codes Search

Are you searching for Ebonyi State Postal Codes, Ebonyi zip codes or any postal code under Ebonyi state? you have come to the right place. All Ebonyi postal codes are here from Abakaliki postal code to Okposi Postal code.

List of all Ebonyi postcodes under Ebonyi State

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Ebonyi State Postal Codes Search

wdt_ID Postcode Location Area City/LGA Type State
1 480104 Aba Nkaleke Echara Ebonyi Rural Ebonyi
2 481118 Aba-Ohofia Agba Ishehu Rural Ebonyi
3 481001 Abakaliki Abakaliki Facility Ebonyi
4 480101 Abakaliki (RURAL) Amachi Ebonyi Rural Ebonyi
5 480213 Abakaliki Water Enugu-Ogoja Expr. Abakaliki Urban Ebonyi
6 482105 Abam Achara-Ezza Ezza North Rural Ebonyi
7 480106 Abarigwe Edda Ebonyi Rural Ebonyi
8 481104 Abarigwe Amoffia Mgbo Ohaukwu Rural Ebonyi
9 480108 Abarigwe Ishieke Ebonyi Rural Ebonyi
10 481103 Abarigwe-Ndiagu Umuogudu Oshia Ohaukwu Rural Ebonyi
11 480251 Abatete St. Abakpa Abakaliki Urban Ebonyi
12 480231 Abbi St. Kpiri-Kpiri Abakaliki Urban Ebonyi
13 480103 Abia Izzi Unuhu Ebonyi Rural Ebonyi
14 482129 Abina Ndufu-Amagu Ikwo Rural Ebonyi
15 481105 Abogodo Okposi Eheku Ohaukwu Rural Ebonyi
16 481118 Achara Agba Ishehu Rural Ebonyi
17 482108 Achiagu Ugboji Ezza North Rural Ebonyi
18 480231 Achina St. Kpiri-Kpiri Abakaliki Urban Ebonyi
19 490001 Afikpo Afikpo North Facility Ebonyi
20 491105 Afikpo Road Ishiagu Ohaozra Rural Ebonyi
21 480251 Afikpo St. Abakpa Abakaliki Urban Ebonyi
22 480271 Aforezunna St. Afikpo Rd. Abakaliki Urban Ebonyi
23 482129 Agalagu Ndufu-Amagu Ikwo Rural Ebonyi
24 482131 Agalagu Ndifu-Alike Ikwo Rural Ebonyi
25 480103 Agalegu Izzi Unuhu Ebonyi Rural Ebonyi
Postcode Location Area City/LGA Type State

A brief discussion of Ebonyi state:

Ebonyi State Postal Codes Search

Ebonyi State is located in the South-East region of Nigeria and is bordered by Benue State to the north and northeast, Enugu State to the west, Cross River State to the east and southeast, and Abia State to the southwest. The state is named after the Abonyi River, which flows through a large part of the southern region of the state. Its capital is Abakaliki.

Ebonyi is one of the smallest states in Nigeria, both in terms of area and population. The state is home to an estimated 2.9 million people, making it the 29th most populous state in the country. The state is divided geographically into the Cross-Niger transition forests in the south and the drier Guinean forest-savanna mosaic in the rest of the state.

Other important geographical features of the state include the Cross River and its tributary, the River Aloma, which flow along the southeastern and eastern borders of the state, respectively. The Abonyi, Asu, and Eze Aku rivers also flow through the interior of the state.

After Nigeria gained independence in 1960, the area that is now Ebonyi was part of the Eastern Region. In 1967, the region was split and the area became part of the East Central State. However, less than two months later, the former Eastern Region attempted to secede from Nigeria during the three-year Nigerian Civil War. Ebonyi was a part of the secessionist state of Biafra during this time.

At the end of the war and the reunification of Nigeria, the East Central State was reformed until 1976, when the north of the state became Anambra State and the south became Imo State. In 1991, Anambra and Imo states were divided, with the eastern parts becoming Enugu State and Abia State, respectively. It was not until 1996 that the eastern part of Enugu State and the northeastern part of Abia State were split off to form Ebonyi State.

Agriculture is a key part of the economy in Ebonyi State, with crops such as yams, rice, oil palm, and cassava being important sources of income. The state also has minor industries in mining and basket-making. Ebonyi has a high Human Development Index and is home to several institutions of tertiary education.

What is Ebonyi State Postal Code(Ebonyi state postcode)?

Ebonyi State Postal Codes Search
Ebonyi zip codes

The postal code for Ebonyi State in Nigeria is between 480101 and 491110, with 481001 being the code for the NIPOST headquarters of Ebonyi state. Ebonyi State is located within the South East geopolitical zone of Nigeria.