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Cross River State Postal Codes Search

Are you searching for Cross River State Postal Codes, Cross River zip codes or any postal code under Cross River state? you have come to the right place. All Cross River postal codes are here from Calabar postal code to Ogoja Postal code.

List of all Cross River postcodes under Cross River State

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Cross River State Postal Codes Search

wdt_ID Postcode Location Area/District City/LGA Type State
1 540222 1st Ave. State Housing Estate Calabar Urban Cross River
2 540222 2nd Ave. State Housing Estate Calabar Urban Cross River
3 540222 3rd Ave. State Housing Estate Calabar Urban Cross River
4 540222 4th Ave. State Housing Estate Calabar Urban Cross River
5 543104 A.D.C. Rubber Nkpolo Abi Rural Cross River
6 551116 Ababene Okom Obubra Rural Cross River
7 551109 Ababene Ngo NTA Boki Rural Cross River
8 550107 Abacho Ogugo Eastern Yala Bekwara Rural Cross River
9 551117 Abadene Ofat (Adum) Obubra Rural Cross River
10 541111 Abakot Eneyo Ikot Naka-Nda Bakassi Rural Cross River
11 550113 Abakpa Yache Bekwara Rural Cross River
12 550106 Abakpa Western Yala Bekwara Rural Cross River
13 541113 Abakpa Efio Ase Ikang North Bakassi Rural Cross River
14 541111 Abakpa Etim Ene Ikot Naka-Nda Bakassi Rural Cross River
15 541113 Abakpa Ikot-Nkok Ikang North Bakassi Rural Cross River
16 542109 Abamba Egup-Ipa Akampa Rural Cross River
17 542108 Abana Umon Akampa Rural Cross River
18 543104 Abanankpai Nkpolo Abi Rural Cross River
19 540242 Abang Asang St. Eta Agbor Calabar Urban Cross River
20 550113 Abanike Yache Bekwara Rural Cross River
21 550113 Abanike Yache Bekwara Rural Cross River
22 551110 Abankang Abawyum Boki Rural Cross River
23 542112 Abanwam Erei Akampa Rural Cross River
24 550109 Abaraku Ekajuk Bekwara Rural Cross River
25 551108 Abargba Ofutop Boki Rural Cross River
Postcode Location Area/District City/LGA Type State

A brief discussion about Cross River state:

Cross River State Postal Codes Search
Cross River State Postal Codes Search

Cross River State is a state located in the South-South geopolitical zone of Nigeria. It was formed from the eastern part of the Eastern Region on May 27, 1967 and its capital is Calabar. The state borders Benue to the north, Ebonyi and Abia to the west, and Akwa Ibom to the southwest, with its eastern border forming part of the national border with Cameroon.

The state was originally known as the South-Eastern State before being renamed in 1976. It was previously larger, but in 1987, the area now known as Akwa Ibom became a separate state. Cross River is the nineteenth largest state in Nigeria in terms of area and the 27th most populous, with an estimated population of over 3.8 million in 2016.

The state is divided into two main ecological regions: the Guinean forest-savanna mosaic in the north and the Cross-Sanaga-Bioko coastal forests in the majority of the interior. It also includes smaller ecoregions such as the Central African mangroves in the south and a part of the montane Cameroonian Highlands forests in the northeast. The state is named after the Cross River, which flows through the state and forms part of its western border. Other important rivers in the state include the Calabar and Great Kwa rivers.

The state is home to several biodiverse protected areas, including the Cross River National Park, Afi Mountain Wildlife Sanctuary, and Mbe Mountains Community Forest, which contain a variety of endangered species. The state has a long history of habitation by various ethnic groups, including the Efik, Ekoi, Akunakuna, Boki, Bahumono, Yakö, Bekwarra, Bette, Igede, and Ukelle. The region was a center of anti-colonial resistance and trade during the colonial period and was the site of the Women’s War and the Nigerian Civil War.

The state was renamed Cross River in 1976 and was divided in 1987 to create Akwa Ibom. The Bakassi Peninsula, which used to be part of the state, was ceded to Cameroon in 2002.

What is Cross River State Postal Code(Cross River state postcode)?

Cross River State Postal Codes Search

The postal codes for Cross River State, Nigeria range from 540001 to 562261. The code 540001 is specifically assigned to the NIPOST (Nigerian Postal Service) headquarters located on Calabar Road in Calabar. Cross River state is located within the South-South Geopolitical Zone of Nigeria. The Cross River state NIPOST headquarters can be reached by phone at 087-236612 or by fax at 087-234250.