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Rivers State Postal codes search

Are you searching for Rivers State Postal Codes, Rivers zip codes or any postal code under Rivers state? you have come to the right place. All Rivers postal codes are here from Choba postal code to Rumuokoro Postal code.

List of all Rivers postcodes under Rivers State

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Rivers State Postal codes search

wdt_ID Postcode Location Area/District City/LGA Type State
1 501101 Aabon Eleme Eleme Rural Rivers
2 503102 Aam-Ekut Andoni Andoni Rural Rivers
3 503102 Aama-Runner Andoni Andoni Rural Rivers
4 510102 Abada Abua / Odual Abua/Odual Rural Rivers
5 500262 Abakaliki St. Diobu mile 1 Port Harcourt Urban Rivers
6 504101 Abalama Buguma Asari Toru Rural Rivers
7 500103 Abam - Ama II Okrika Okrika Rural Rivers
8 500241 Abana St. Old G.R.A Port Harcourt Urban Rivers
9 510101 Abarikpo Ahoada Ahoada/Ahoada West Rural Rivers
10 512101 Abaro Etche Etche Rural Rivers
11 500262 Abba St. Diobu mile 1 Port Harcourt Urban Rivers
12 500263 Abel Jumbo St. Diobu mile 2 Port Harcourt Urban Rivers
13 500103 Abioboama Okrika Okrika Rural Rivers
14 504103 Abissa Akuru Toru Akuku Toru Rural Rivers
15 504004 Abonnema Akuku Toru Facility Rivers
16 504103 Abonnema Akuru Toru Akuku Toru Rural Rivers
17 500262 Abonnema Rd. Diobu mile 1 Port Harcourt Urban Rivers
18 510003 Abua Abua/Odual Facility Rivers
19 510102 Abual Abua / Odual Abua/Odual Rural Rivers
20 510221 Abubaugele St. Ochoma layout Ahoada Urban Rivers
21 500101 Abuloma Port-Harcourt (Rural) Port Harcourt Rural Rivers
22 510241 Abuwa Rd. Town Ahoada Urban Rivers
23 510242 Abuwa Rd. Port harcourt Rd. Ahoada Urban Rivers
24 510251 Abuwa Rd. Mbiama Rd. Ahoada Urban Rivers
25 500242 Accra St. Old Township Port Harcourt Urban Rivers
Postcode Location Area/District City/LGA Type State

A brief discussion about Rivers state:

Rivers State Postal codes search

Rivers State is a state located within the Niger Delta region of southern Nigeria. It was formed in 1967 when it was separated from the former Eastern Region. Rivers State shares borders with Imo to the north, Abia and Akwa Ibom to the east, and Bayelsa and Delta to the west. The state capital, Port Harcourt, is a major city known for its role in the Nigerian oil industry.

According to the 2006 census, Rivers State has a population of over 5 million people, making it the 6th most populous state in Nigeria. The state is home to a variety of ethnic groups, including Igbo, Ogoni, and Ijaw, and is known for its linguistic diversity, with 28 indigenous languages spoken in the region.

Rivers State is also the 26th largest state by area, with a geography characterized by the numerous rivers that flow through it, including the Bonny River. The economy of Rivers State is primarily driven by the petroleum industry.

What is Rivers State Postal Code(Rivers state postcode)?

Rivers State Postal codes search
Rivers State Postal codes search

The postal codes for Rivers State, Nigeria range from 500001 to 512102. Port Harcourt City is the capital and largest city in the state. Rivers state is located within the South-South Geopolitical Zone of Nigeria. The headquarters for NIPOST (Nigeria Postal Service) in Rivers State can be found at the General Post Office Building on Station Road in Port Harcourt. The phone number for the headquarters is 084-239940.