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Kano State Postal Codes Search

Are you searching for Kano State Postal Codes or any postal code under Kano state? you have come to the right place. All Kano postal codes are here from Rimi postal code to Bichi Postal code.

List of all Kano postcodes under Kano State

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Kano State Postal Codes Search

wdt_ID Location State City/LGA Area/District Type postcode
1 A'Giwa Kano Warawa Warawa Rural 713105
2 Aawa Kano Bichi Bichi Rural 703101
3 Aba Av. Kano Kano Sabon Gari Urban 700271
4 Abakur Kano Bichi Bichi Rural 703101
5 Abaldu Kano Takai Takai Rural 712103
6 Abarchi Kano Madobi Madobi Rural 711102
7 Abasawa Kano Gezawa Gezawa Rural 702101
8 Abba Gana St. Kano Kano Fagge Urban 700213
9 Abba Rd. Kano Kano Badawa Urban 700214
10 Abba Tuwa Kano Kano Dala Urban 700252
11 Abdu Bako Way Kano Kano Badawa Urban 700214
12 Abdullah Bayero Rd. Kano Kano Government House Urban 700222
13 Abdullahi Bayero Rd. Kano Kano Badawa Urban 700214
14 Abeokuta Av. Kano Kano Sabon Gari Urban 700271
15 Abudakawa Kano Minjibir Minjibir Rural 702103
16 Abuja Kano Wudil Unguwar Fulani Urban 713271
17 Abuja Rd. Kano Kano Sabon Gari Urban 700271
18 Aburawa Kano Gwale/Dala Dala (Rural) Rural 700103
19 Achika Kano Wudil Wudil Rural 713101
20 Adakawa Kano Kano Dala Urban 700252
21 Adama Kano Karaye Karaya Rural 704104
22 Adaraye Kano Ungogo Ungogo Rural 700105
23 Ado Bayeo Rd. Kano Kano Fagge Urban 700213
24 Aduwa Rd. Kano Kano Nassarawa Urban 700282
25 Agadasawa Kano Kano Shahuchi Urban 700251
Location State City/LGA Area/District Type postcode

A Brief Discussion of Kano State:

Kano State Postal Codes Search

Kano State is located in northern Nigeria and is the most populous state in the country according to the 2006 census. The capital and largest city is Kano, which is the second most populous city in Nigeria. The state was created in 1967 from the former Northern Region and borders Katsina State, Jigawa State, Bauchi State, and Kaduna State.

The state has a rich history, including the Kingdom of Kano, the Sultanate of Kano, and the Kurmi Market. It was conquered by the British Empire in 1903 and became part of the Northern Nigeria Protectorate.

The major ethnic groups in the state are Hausa and Fulani, and the Hausa language is dominant. Kano State has a diverse economy centered on industry, agriculture, and Islamic banking. It is a Muslim-majority state governed by Sharia law within the framework of the Nigerian Constitution. The state faces challenges including terrorism, inter-religious violence, and poverty.

What is Kano State Postal Code(Kano state postcode)?

Kano State Postal Codes Search
Kano State Postal Codes Search

The postal code range for Kano State in Nigeria is 700001 to 713281, with 700001 being the code for the NIPOST Headquarters of Kano State. The state is located within the North West Geopolitical Zone of the country.