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Katsina State Postal Codes Search

Are you searching for Katsina State Postal Codes or any postal code under Katsina state? you have come to the right place. All Katsina postal codes are here from Daura postal code to Funtua Postal code.

List of all Katsina postcodes under Katsina State

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Katsina State Postal Codes Search

wdt_ID Location State City/LGA Area/District Type postcode
1 Abadau Katsina Batsari Batsari Rural 820106
2 Abdallawa Katsina Kaita Kaita Rural 820103
3 Abubakar Gummi Rd Katsina Funtua Unguwar Tukur Urban 830273
4 Abubakar Tafawa Rd. Katsina Daura Unguwar Tarnawa Urban 824221
5 Abudullahi Aminci Rd Katsina Funtua Dutsen Reme Urban 831266
6 Abukar Katsina Rimi Rimi Rural 822103
7 Agagiwa Katsina Malumfashi Malumfashi Rural 832101
8 Agala Katsina Zango Zango Rural 824104
9 Agalla Katsina Mashi Mashi Rural 823102
10 Aganta Katsina Kusada Kusada Rural 822102
11 Agayawa Katsina Ingawa Ingawa Rural 823104
12 Agri Department. Katsina Daura L.G.A. Scretariat Urban 824262
13 Ahmad Sani Katsina Daura Kanti Urban 824232
14 Aisawa Katsina Bindawa Bindawa Rural 822105
15 Ajiwa Katsina Batagarawa Bata-Garawa Rural 820102
16 Ajiwa Katsina Katsina Katsina (Rural) Rural 820101
17 Albasa Katsina Sabuwa Sabuwa Rural 830104
18 Aliyaba Katsina Mani Mani Rural 823101
19 Aljawa Katsina Musawa Musawa Rural 833101
20 Allah Madagara Katsina Malumfashi Malumfashi Rural 832101
21 Allaraini Katsina Rimi Rimi Rural 822103
22 Allemi Katsina Kaita Kaita Rural 820103
23 Almajiraiwa Katsina Kankara Kankara Rural 832102
24 Almakiyayi Katsina Malumfashi Malumfashi Rural 832101
25 Anwar Islam School Katsina Funtua Dan Dutse Urban 830221
Location State City/LGA Area/District Type postcode

A brief discussion of Katsina State:

Katsina State Postal Codes Search

Katsina State is a state located in the northwestern geopolitical zone of Nigeria. It was created in 1987 when it split from Kaduna State, and it is bordered by Kaduna, Zamfara, Kano, and Jigawa. It is known as the “Home of Hospitality,” with its capital and the town of Daura both being considered “ancient seats of Islamic culture and learning.”

The state has a population of over 5.8 million, with the Hausa people being the largest ethnic group and Islam being the most practiced religion. In 2005, Katsina adopted Sharia law.

The state has an area of approximately 23,938 square kilometers and is situated between latitudes 110° 07′ 49N’ 130 2257″ and Longitude 6052’03East and 990 02′ East. Its climate is tropical savannah, with two main seasons: the rainy season and the dry season.

What is Katsina State Postal Code(Katsina state postcode)?

Katsina State Postal Codes Search
Katsina State Postal Codes Search

The postal code range for Katsina State in Nigeria is 820001 to 833102, with 820001 being the code for the NIPOST Headquarters of Katsina State. The state is located within the North West Geopolitical Zone of the country.