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Kaduna State Postal Codes Search

Are you searching for Kaduna State Postal Codes or any postal code under Kaduna state? you have come to the right place. All Kaduna postal codes are here from Kafanchan postal code to Zaria Postal code.

List of all Kaduna postcodes under Kaduna State

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Kaduna State Postal Codes Search

wdt_ID location type area/districk city lga state postcode
1 A&B Rural Bishini Kachia Kaduna 802102
2 A/Akilu Cl. Urban Barnawa Village Kaduna Kaduna 800242
3 A/Dan Kulari Cl. Urban Barnawa Village Kaduna Kaduna 800242
4 Abadawa Rural Lere Lere Kaduna 811104
5 Abafot Rural Kamurum Zangon Kataf Kaduna 802123
6 Aban Rural Gwantu Sanga Kaduna 801106
7 Abandi Rural Tari Sanga Kaduna 801122
8 Abaye Rural Zonkwa Zangon Kataf Kaduna 802106
9 Abba Rd. Urban Unguwan Kanawa Kaduna Kaduna 800273
10 Abba- Cl. Urban Unguwan Kanawa Kaduna Kaduna 800273
11 Abdu Rd. Urban Kofar Gaya Zaria Kaduna 810254
12 Abdu Salam Rd. Urban Palace Zaria Kaduna 810241
13 Abdukarimu Rd. Urban Kofar Jatau Zaria Kaduna 810253
14 Abdurahaman Rd. Urban Barnawa G.R.A Kaduna Kaduna 800243
15 Abet Rural Abet Zangon Kataf Kaduna 802128
16 ABG Office Urban Unguwar Ma'azu Kaduna Kaduna 800264
17 Aboro Dakaci Rural Aboro Sanga Kaduna 801129
18 Aboro Gida Rural Aboro Sanga Kaduna 801129
19 Abu Rural Aboro Sanga Kaduna 801129
20 Abu Kampani Rural Ayu Sanga Kaduna 801107
21 Abu Kinu (Rimi) Rural Randa Sanga Kaduna 801124
22 Abu Makaranta Rural Ayu Sanga Kaduna 801107
23 Abubakar Kigo-New Extention Urban Ahmadu Bello Stadium Kaduna Kaduna 800241
24 Abuja Mada Rural Wasa Sanga Kaduna 801128
25 Abuja Rd. Urban Kurmi Mashi Kaduna Kaduna 800272
location type area/districk city lga state postcode

A brief discussion of Kaduna state:

Kaduna State Postal Codes Search

Kaduna State is located in northern Nigeria and is the fourth largest and third most populous state in the country. Its capital is the city of Kaduna, which was the eighth largest city in Nigeria in 2006. The state was created in 1967 as North-Central State, but gained its current borders in 1987.

It is known as the “Centre of Learning” due to the presence of numerous educational institutions, including Ahmadu Bello University. The state is home to some of Africa’s oldest civilizations, including the Nok civilization that flourished from around 1500 BC to 500 AD.

The Hausa Kingdoms also existed in the region until the early 1800s when it was incorporated into the Sokoto Caliphate following the Fulani War. During the colonial era, the city of Kaduna was made the capital of the Northern Nigeria Protectorate.

The state’s economy relies on agriculture, particularly cotton and groundnut production. Kaduna State has a history of ethnic and religious conflict, including the 2002 Miss World riots that resulted in around 250 deaths and the displacement of around 30,000 people.

The state is home to the ancient cities of Zaria, Kafanchan, and Nok, and is the successor to the old Northern Region of Nigeria, which had its capital at Kaduna. The state celebrated its 100-year anniversary in 2019.

What is Kaduna State Postal Code(Kaduna state postcode)?

Kaduna State Postal Codes Search
Kaduna State Postal Codes Search

The postal code range for Kaduna State in Nigeria is 800001 to 812103. The capital of the state is Kaduna City, and the state is located within the North West Geopolitical Zone of the country.