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Edo State Postal Codes Search

Are you searching for Edo State Postal Codes, Edo zip codes or any postal code under Edo state? you have come to the right place. All Edo postal codes are here from Benin postal code to Okada Postal code.

List of all Edo postcodes under Edo State

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Edo State Postal Codes Search

wdt_ID Postcode Location Area/District City/LGA Type State
1 300211 2nd Akhughe Ave. Ikpoba Benin City Urban Edo
2 300271 2nd Cemetry Rd. Evbotube Benin City Urban Edo
3 300241 2nd East Rd. Ogbelaka Benin City Urban Edo
4 300281 2nd Ihogbe St. Ihogben Benin City Urban Edo
5 300231 2nd Imueluyan St. Uhumwuimwu Benin City Urban Edo
6 300241 2nd Iso Ln. Ogbelaka Benin City Urban Edo
7 300281 2nd Ivbiore St. Ihogben Benin City Urban Edo
8 300251 2nd Ughor Rd. G.R.A Benin City Urban Edo
9 300271 2nd Uzama Rd. Evbotube Benin City Urban Edo
10 300281 2nd West Circular Rd. Ihogben Benin City Urban Edo
11 300281 3rd Ivbioma St. Ihogben Benin City Urban Edo
12 300283 A Cl. Ugbowo Benin City Urban Edo
13 300282 A Cl. Uwelu Benin City Urban Edo
14 300102 Aakhuakhuari Ogbe Oredo Rural Edo
15 302109 Abere Ofunama Ovia South Eest Rural Edo
16 310101 Abia Ekpoma Esan West Rural Edo
17 302121 Abiala Oduna Ovia North East Rural Edo
18 312112 Abokpha Three Ibies Etsako Central Rural Edo
19 302101 Abozumamwen Iguoba-Zuwa Ovia South Eest Rural Edo
20 302110 Abrifor Camp Okada Ovia North East Rural Edo
21 300261 Absbor Ave. Ewemade Village Benin City Urban Edo
22 300271 Abu St. Evbotube Benin City Urban Edo
23 301001 Abudu Orhionmwon Facility Edo
24 301101 Abudu Aibiokunla Orhionmwon Rural Edo
25 300242 Abuja St Ukpaja Quarters Ubiaja Urban Edo
Postcode Location Area/District City/LGA Type State

A brief discussion about Edo state:

Edo State Postal Codes Search

Edo State is located in the South-South region of Nigeria and is known for being the center of the country’s rubber industry. As of 2006, the state was ranked as the 24th most populous in Nigeria, with a population of approximately 3.2 million. However, there has been controversy over the accuracy of this census, as the state was ranked 16th in terms of voter registration in 2019. It is estimated that the population of Edo State will reach around 8 million in 2022. The state is also the 22nd largest by landmass in Nigeria. Its capital, Benin City, is the fourth largest city in the country.

Edo State was created in 1991 from the former Bendel State and is known as the “heartbeat of the nation.” It borders Kogi State to the northeast, Anambra State to the east, Delta State to the southeast and south, and Ondo State to the west. The modern borders of the state encompass regions that were formerly home to various empires and kingdoms, including the ancient Benin Empire. The city of Edo, now known as Benin City, was home to some of the largest earthworks in the world. In 1897, the British Empire conducted a punitive expedition in the region and destroyed much of the city, eventually incorporating it into the Southern Nigeria Protectorate.

The people of Edo State are predominantly Edoid, including the Edo (or Bini), Esan, Owan, and Afemai people. The Edo language is commonly spoken in Benin City. Christianity is the dominant religion in the state, having been introduced by Portuguese missionaries in the 15th century. Islam and traditional religions are also practiced in the region.

What is Edo State Postal Code(Edo state postcode)?

Edo State Postal Codes Search
Edo State Postal Codes Search

Edo State has a postal code range of 300001 to 313111. The capital of Edo State is Benin City, which is located within the South-South Geopolitical Zone of Nigeria. The address of the NIPOST headquarters in Edo State is the General Post Office Airport Road in Benin City. The telephone number for the NIPOST headquarters in Edo State is 052-467017,2571847.